Friday, August 14, 2009

Colorado Mini Series, Part 2

Sunday and Monday found camp well underway. There's a sweet rhythm and flow to life there that I had an easy time settling back into. Staff breakfast and devotions give way to hustling to "rock the dish pit," put breakfast out for the kids, start working on the chore list, and pull medications for my regulars.

I could probably write a whole post on the Dish Pit. I'm so pleased with the training I received in the pit, as it has come in handy on busier days when I working at the Mission. I'm equally pleased with the health code regulations with which I am now familiar, thanks to Sonlight. Such as, wear a proper head covering. At Sonlight, "proper" is pretty loosely defined and can mean a variety of things. Matt and Nick will demonstrate:

(Yes, Sarah, Matt is now truly wearing an animal on his head! It's Nemo!)

On Monday, the kids worked on Teams Course activities (team-building exercises) in the meadow, and then had Options, where they can choose the activities they want to do. Usual options include "horseback riding" (on the stick horses, of course...but they still have to wear proper getup - like hats and bandanas - learn how to talk to their horse, how to approach their horse, etc. It's quite hysterical.), the climbing wall, archery, dodgeball, and sitting in the hot tubs. Options can also include things like hair cuts (if we happen to have a style-gifted counselor), baking in the kitchen (if the cooks will so oblige), playing board games, tie-dying, or even playing with the camp dogs if the kids feel so inclined.

Matt helped harness kids up for the climbing wall.

We had a burger cookout Monday night (I think it was Monday night)...notice the spatulas attached to ski poles. Did I mention what a great example Sonlight sets of using your resources well??????

We kicked back and relaxed...

Changed into our party pants (that's me and Mary)...

And got our campfire on.

Time to retire in the Prowler. Where the nightly routine included killing moths the size of small birds and gagging over the smell of our Chacos. In case you wanted to know.

Coming up: Hike day and Pirate Night!!! Don't miss it!

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