Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This poor man...

...runs his butt off all day! He serves and serves and serves until it hurts. He does accountability and fellowship twice a week with guys from our church, seeks counsel once a week with one of his accountability partners, helped V-man with his business, runs the soundboard at church when he's needed, teaches the Jr. High boys at Awana, is always available to MY friends when they need a good "guy opinion," AND works full-time. AND helps me at home, runs to the grocery store, does laundry, empties the dishwasher, walks the dog, and does whatever he can to spend time with me.

Yes, the above picture really is him crashed out on the couch, jacket, hat, and all.

1 comment:

The Smith Family said...

Matt, what a great picture of Christ laying down his life for the church. Thanks for your example. May you find rest in Him! Thanks for the way you are leading your wife and for the way you are advancing the Kingdom of God through your service. Love to you! Jenny Smith